English in life

For me, this has being a wonderful experience, because in my life only once before I was able to talk to someone in English, and was my sister’s friend’s boyfriend. This experience came to my live at a time of so many stress, that I thought that I wouldn’t be able to actually do it, because I saw that some of my companions had more free time than me, but I could realize that come here and meet new people, with other careers and life experiences, with other points of views, it was almost like do therapy, I just had to come and talk to people, ask what they like, and what they don’t, and also tell them things about me, and how I see the world. Also the fact that I had to travel to another faculty, or campus, it was a change in my routine that gave me a breath, and I enjoy doing it. I think that one of the aspects that can improve is that writing the blog could be at class time, because we all have things to do, and doing it as home work is a demand of time that most of the time I had to prioritize, and couldn´t do the home work because I had to do things related to the study programme.  I think that in my case the writing is the most weak point, but obviously I have to improve my speaking, reading and listening, mostly my grammar, that I feel that is alike of some analphabet most of the time. Most of the time I use English because I like to watch movies and series in the original language, this was my personal motivation to learn English, because I wanted to know which was the words and the intention of the actors at the time of saying it, something that you cannot tell by subtitles. Of course in my academic life I use it constantly to keep updating my knowledge, daily reading papers. 


  1. Hi Anibal,
    your post about the course is really inspiring, and I am really satisfied to know that you see it as therapy.
    Do not feel like an illiterate person because you know how to read and write in Spanish!


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